What is it about the vaunted seven-second mark that drives drag racers crazy? Probably because it’s fast as hell, but can still be achieved with a street legal car. And probably because it rolls of the tongue so easily—just like this 1968 Camaro rolls off the line.
This Street Outlaw champion hits 7.79 seconds at 179mph in Phoenix’s Wild Horse Pass Raceway. It’s got a 540 cu. in. motor with twin turbos, and its owner “drives it everywhere.”
Once the twin turbos kick in, it’s bye bye to its turbocharged rivals. Against a third-gen Camaro it lags behind, but then it shoots all the way forward for the win. Against a twin-turbo GTO, and a turbo Fox Mustang, and a Firebird amped up on nitrous, it takes them all on. Watch!